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Curriculum Summary

Llanyrafon Primary School

Curriculum Summary


Curriculum for Wales is changing – watch the video link for further information



Please read below to find out how we have adopted the Curriculum for Wales in Llanyrafon Pimary School.



Llanyrafon Primary School strives to provide a happy, safe nurturing environment where every child is valued, encouraged and challenged to achieve their full potential.



Achieving success through life-long learning



                               To be determined      To be a superstar     To be respectful


  Learning is the key purpose of our school. Lifelong Learning enables children to aspire, achieve their 

  dreams and contribute much in their futures to our world.

  At Llanyrafon Primary School, our ACHIEVE curriculum is designed to foster a love of learning that will last 

  a lifetime.  We work hard to make sure that our children are exposed to a rich, creative, balanced

  curriculum, and learning which is meaningfully linked so that all children are engaged and make progress.

  In support of our overall vision and mission, our ACHIEVE curriculum has four main purposes that are 

  aligned to the Curriculum for Wales 2022, i.e. for our learners to be

  • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
  • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the World
  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.


Our ACHIEVE Curriculum will be ambitious, creative, happy, inclusive, enriching, visionary and empowering. It has been designed to meet the needs of our school and our community and has been designed in consultation with all stakeholders (pupils, parents, governors, staff and members of the community). Our curriculum has been created with the belief that all children will ACHIEVE. This is the driving force behind our curriculum planning, that all children in our school will achieve their potential and develop the skills to become life long learners, we are fiercely proud of our inclusivity.  Through the learning experiences offered and the provision in place we can provide the right conditions for learning for all children to succeed.


  Our vast green space encourages outdoor learning experiences 

  which foster care and respect towards our environment by using our

  local area. 

  Learners explore, discover and ask questions about our place in

  Llanyrafon, Cwmbran, Wales and the wider World. We link with 

  people and places to make our learning authentic and meaningful. 


Learners succeed when they feel safe, supported and secure. Wellbeing of all learners is promoted through positive relationships and good physical, emotional and mental health. Learners develop positive habits ad behaviours which facilitate lifelong success being resilient, confident, independent and adaptive.


  By ensuring our curriculum is ambitious, creative, happy, inclusive, enriching, visionary and

  empowering we can ACHIEVE success for all. Learning is planned to develop breadth and depth 

 across the cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy,  digital competence

 and progression in the six  areas of  Learning and Experience (AoLE’s)

        ~ Expressive Arts

        ~ Health and Well-being

        ~ Humanities

        ~ Languages, Literacy and Communication

        ~ Mathematics and Numeracy

                                                         ~ Science and Technology


We use the Framework within Curriculum for Wales as a basis for our curriculum and tailor the design to the children’s needs and passions.  We use a thematic approach which utilises our thorough knowledge of the children, and teachers’ own love of learning, to create fun, engaging and meaningful learning opportunities. Throughout our curriculum delivery we ensure that the cross curricular skills and cross cutting themes are interwoven along with the integral skills necessary for all of our children to succeed.


The journey to our curriculum design has evolved and developed over a number of years and our curriculum is pertinent to our school and community. As part of our design process we have involved all members of our community from cluster colleagues, parents, governors, community members and of course our learners. The whole Llanyrafon ‘family’ has been instrumental in shaping our curriculum design.



Woven throughout our curriculum design is our Golden Thread of Learning. This is never ending.


Identification - Pedagogy - Assessment - Identification- Pedagogy - Assessment - Identify


Useful Documents


An easy read guide to the new curriculum for young people



A young person’s guide to the new curriculum



A parent’s guide to the new curriculum
