Croeso i Flwyddyn 5!
Welcome to Year 5's Class Page!
We are very excited to be back in school after our Summer break and are looking forward to an action-packed year ahead of us! As we settle back into daily school life, we will be putting plenty of focus on getting back up to speed with our key skills and will be beginning to learn about a variety of interesting topics and themes. Please keep an eye on this page for updates, progress and achievements.
On this page, you will also find lots of important information and key dates for the year ahead. Google Classroom has been set up - please visit daily to find key information, spellings/tables and homework tasks to complete at home.
Parents - if you have any questions for us, then please send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible:
Mrs Ells' email address:
Mr Edwards' email address:
Diolch yn fawr,
Mrs Ells, Mr Edwards & Mrs Brown
A few important pointers for parents:
Please make sure that P.E. kits worn to school are in line with school policy:
We recommend that learners bring plenty of water to school and wear extra layers as the colder months approach. We will continue to have one P.E. lesson outdoors year-round (weather permitting) so make sure you are dressed appropriately for the conditions.