Croeso i Flwyddyn 6
Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page
Welcome to our Year 6 class page! In Year 6 we have a huge focus on developing our independence and confidence in readiness for the transition to secondary school. We have introduced the 15/15 teaching approach for certain topics and it really helps us develop our own learning, focusses our attention and gives us the freedom and trust to enhance our independent skills, application of work and reach potentials that we have been guided to recognise.
Google Classroom is used regularly for school and home based tasks as well as a platform for important information and reminders, as well as weekly homework, spelling and times table practises - please ensure this is checked regularly
Polite Reminders
* PE days are Monday and Thursday, please ensure you wear your PE kits to school on these days
* Reading Books - please encourage your child to read every day for at least 10 minutes. Children are expected to bring their reading books and records in every day. Tests to be administered once the book is finished and new books will be provided
* Uniform - please ensure all your child's uniform is labelled with their name.
*Healthy snacks - please can you encourage your child to bring in a healthy snack and water for morning break times
Thank you for your continued support.
Parents/Carers- if you have any questions for us, then please send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Reed, Mrs Clark and Miss Bloor
Contact information: